Course curriculum

    1. Segment - 00 - Course Outline

    2. Segment - 01 - How Banks Fail

    3. Segment - 02 - Causes of Banking, Financial and Economic Crisis

    4. Segment - 03 - Need for Banking Regulation

    1. Segment - 04 - Protecting Banks from Spillover Effect

    2. Segment - 05 - Calculating RWA & CRAR

    3. Segment - 06 - Basel Risks & Risk Mitigation

    1. Segment - 07 - Understanding Basel - 1 Accord

    1. Segment - 08 - Understanding Basel - 2 Accord

    1. Segment - 09 - Basel 3 - An Overview

    2. Segment - 10 - Risk Measurement

    3. Segment - 11 - Capital Requirements

    4. Segment - 12 - Statutory Ratios

    1. Segment - 13 - Demystifying Basel - 4 Accord

About this course

  • Free
  • 14 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content