Course curriculum

    1. Segment 01 - Introduction to the Course & Meet Your Instructor

    2. Segment 02 - Understanding Amazon Q Space

    3. Segment 03 - Exploring Amazon Q Developer

    4. Segment 04 - Installing Amazon Q Developer Pro On Your IDE

    1. Segment 05 - Chatting About Code

    2. Segment 06 - Hands-On: Chatting with Amazon Q Developer About Code

    3. Segment 07 - Generating Inline Suggestions

    4. Segment 08 - Hands-on: Coding Amazon Q Developer Suggestions

    1. Segment 09 - Developing Software

    2. Segment 10 - Hands-On: Ask Amazon Q To Develop For You

    3. Segment 11 - Scanning Your Code

    4. Segment 12 - Hands-on: Make Your Code Stronger with Amazon Q

    5. Segment 13 - Congratulations and Continuous Learning Journey

About this course

  • Free
  • 13 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

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