Course curriculum

    1. Segment 01 - Course Overview - Scope, Structure, and Expectations

    2. Segment 02 - Understanding CRM - Basics and Significance

    3. Segment 03 - Learning Outcomes - What You Will Gain from This Course

    1. Segment 04 - Evolution of CRM - From Transactional to Relational

    2. Segment 05 -The CRM Philosophy - Principles and Values

    3. Segment 06 - The CRM Ecosystem - Key Components and Dynamics

    1. Segment 07 - The Power of Customer-Centricity - Concepts and Benefits

    2. Segment 08 - Crafting Customer-Centric Strategies - Tools and Techniques

    3. Segment 09 - Instilling a Customer-Centric Culture - Steps and Best Practices

    1. Segment 10 - The Role of Data in CRM From Insights to Actions 

    2. Segment 11 - Segmenting and Targeting Customers Data at Work 

    3. Segment 12 - Personalizing Customer Experiences - The Data-Driven Approach

    1. Segment 13 - Aligning CRM with Sales and Marketing The Synergy mp4

    2. Segment 14 - Sales Force Automation Boosting Efficiency and Effectiveness 

    3. Segment 15 - CRM and Marketing Automation - Driving Integrated Campaigns

    1. Segment 16 - The Importance of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty 

    2. Segment 17 - Designing and Implementing Effective Loyalty Programs 

    3. Segment 18 - Measuring Customer Satisfaction Metrics and Tools 

About this course

  • Free
  • 27 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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