Course curriculum

    1. Segment - 01 - Introduction

    2. Segment - 02 - Economics - Definition

    3. Segment - 03 - Microeconomics

    4. Segment - 04 - Microeconomics Implication on Banking

    5. Segment - 05 - Key Drivers to Consumer Demand

    6. Segment - 06 - Macroeconomics

    7. Segment - 07 - Aggregate Demand

    8. Segment - 08 - Fiscal Policy

    9. Segment - 09 - Monetary Policy

    10. Segment - 10 - Interest Rates

    11. Segment - 11 - Bank's Cost of Funds

    12. Segment - 12 - Exchange Rate Policy

    1. Segment - 13 - Financial Markets

    2. Segment - 14 - Types of Financial Markets

    3. Segment - 15 - Benefits of a Market

    4. Segment - 16 - Financial Markets - The Major Players

    5. Segment - 17 - The Common Stakeholders in Financial Markets

    6. Segment - 18 - Investors Options

    7. Segment - 19 - Role of Banking in Serving the Consumers

    8. Segment - 20 - Banks as Financial Intermediary

    9. Segment - 21 - Banks to Facilitate Creation of Money

    1. Segment - 22 - Retail Banking

    2. Segment - 23 - Checking and Savings Accounts

    3. Segment - 24 - Deposit and Consumer Credit Product

    4. Segment - 25 - Purpose of Credit

    5. Segment - 26 - Case Study: Wells Fargo

    6. Segment - 27 - Case Study: Bank of America

    7. Segment - 28 - Commercial and Corporate Banking

    8. Segment - 29 - Cash and Treasury Management

    9. Segment - 30 - Trade Services and Products

    10. Segment - 31 - Other Financial Products

    11. Segment - 32 - Funding for Corporate Banking

    12. Segment - 33 - Investment Banking

    13. Segment - 34 - Investment Banking - Underwriting

    14. Segment - 35 - Raising Capital: Initial Public Offering

    15. Segment - 36 - Leveraged Buy Out

    1. Segment - 37 - Understanding Business and Financial Dynamics

    2. Segment - 38 - Business Lifecycle Analysis

    3. Segment - 39 - Business Lifecycles - Stages

    4. Segment - 40 - Funding Lifecycle

    5. Segment - 41 - Understanding Business Dynamics and the Implication to Banking Sector

    6. Segment - 42 - Digitalisation in Banking Sector

    7. Segment - 43 - Added-focus on Other Non-pricing Competition

    1. Segment - 44 - Role of Government Agencies

    2. Segment - 45 - Case Study: Wells Fargo Scandals

    3. Segment - 46 - Government as the Lender of Last Resort

    4. Segment - 47 - Regulatory Expectations

    5. Segment - 48 - Final Thoughts

    1. Quiz

About this course

  • Free
  • 49 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content