Course curriculum

    1. Segment 1 - Introduction to the Course and the Instructor

    2. Segment 2 - Understanding the Importance of Inventory Management

    3. Segment 3 - Key Objectives and Benefits of Efficient Inventory Control

    4. Segment 4 - Common Inventory Management Challenges and Pitfalls

    5. Segment 5 - Overview of Inventory Systems and Technology

    1. Segment 6 - Supply and Demand  

    2. Segment 7 - Replenishment Order and Lot Size

    3. Segment 8 - Lead Time, Demand During Lead Time and Replenishment Period

    4. Segment 9 - Inventory Position, Reorder Point and Order-Up-To Level

    1. Segment 10 - Methods for Forecasting Demand and Sales – Part 1

    2. Segment 11 - Methods for Forecasting Demand and Sales – Part 2

    3. Segment 12 - Data Analysis and Historical Sales Patterns

    4. Segment 13 - Forecasting Requirements through Material Requirements Planning (MRP)

    1. Segment 14 - Inventory Related Costs

    2. Segment 15 - Classification of Inventory Items - ABC analysis, XYZ analysis and other methods

    3. Segment 16 - Just-in-Time (JIT) Inventory Management

    4. Segment 17 - Inventory Optimization Part 1: Cost Minimization, Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Model and Its Extensions

    5. Segment 18 - Inventory Optimization Part 2: Determining Safety Stocks and Reorder Points

    1. Segment 19 - Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Inventory Management

    2. Segment 20 - Replenishment Tracking and Expediting

    3. Segment 21 - Using Technology for Inventory Modeling and Optimization

    4. Segment 22 - Lessons for Inventory Management Professionals from Lean Manufacturing Principles

About this course

  • Free
  • 22 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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