Course curriculum

    1. Segment - 01 - Getting to know your ESP32

    2. Segment - 02 - Exploring the Sparkfun ESP32 Thing

    3. Segment - 03 - Hooking up the Sparkfun ESP32 Thing to the Arduino IDE

    4. Segment - 04 - Working with the On Board sensors on the Thing

    1. Segment - 05 - Understanding Bluetooth Low Energy and Wi-Fi

    2. Segment - 06 - Establishing BLE Connection with the Thing

    3. Segment - 07 - BLE Server and Client Communication

    4. Segment - 08 - Establishing Wi-Fi connection with the Thing

    5. Segment - 09 - Understanding RSSI and measuring Signal Strength

    1. Segment - 10 - Introduction to MQTT

    2. Segment - 12 - Setting the Message rate and creating a custom widget

    3. Segment - 11 - Interfacing the Thing to Cayenne

    4. Segment - 13 - Actuating the onboard LED and using Triggers

    5. Segment - 14 - Using Trigger Notification and Scheduling an Event

    1. Segment - 15 - Interfacing PIR sensors with the Thing

    2. Segment - 16 - Interfacing a Relay with the Thing

    3. Segment - 17 - Interfacing the Relay setup with Cayenne and creating a Project

    4. Segment - 18 - Integrating the PIR setup and Relay setup using Triggers

    5. Segment - 19 - Setting up notification SMS using IFTTT

    6. Segment - 20 - Conclusion

About this course

  • Free
  • 20 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content