Course curriculum

    1. Segment 1 - Introduction to the course and the instructor

    2. Segment 2 - Investment risk

    3. Segment 3 - Credit risk

    4. Segment 4 - Investors, borrowers, issuers & bonds

    5. Segment 5 - Bond pricing

    1. Segment 6 - Capacity

    2. Segment 7 - Collateral

    3. Segment 8 - Covenants

    4. Segment 9 - Character

    1. Segment 10 - Sustainable cash flows

    2. Segment 11 - Profits and losses

    3. Segment 12 - Liabilities

    4. Segment 13 - Assets

    1. Segment 14 - Cover ratios

    2. Segment 15 - Profitability

    3. Segment 16 - Leverage

    4. Segment 17 - Laon to Value

    1. Segment 18 - Credit rating agencies

    2. Segment 19 - Ratings scales and default

    3. Segment 20 - Investment and non-investment grade issues

    4. Segment 21 - Probability of Default and Loss Given Default

    5. Segment 22 - Conclusions and Takeways

About this course

  • Free
  • 22 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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