Course curriculum

    1. Resources

    2. Segment 00 : Downloading All Course Material

    3. Segment 1 : Downloading Module 1 Content

    4. Segment 2 : Exploring the Course Material

    5. Segment 3 : Launching the Material with Jupyter Notebooks

    6. Segment 5 : Getting started with the Modules

    7. Segment 6 : Arithmetic Operators

    8. Segment 7 : More Arithmetic Operators

    9. Segment 8 : Change Operator Precedence with Parentheses

    10. Segment 9 : Comparison Operators

    11. Segment 10 : Comparison and Arithmetic Operators Together

    12. Segment 11 : Chained Comparison Operators

    13. Segment 12 : Unary Plus and Minus Operators

    14. Segment 13 : Boolean Operators

    15. Segment 14 : Multiple Arithmetic Operators

    16. Segment 15 : The or Operator

    17. Segment 16 : The not Operator

    18. Segment 17 : Combining Boolean and Other Operators

    19. Segment 18 : Assigning Values to Variable Names

    20. Segment 19 : Multiple Variables

    21. Segment 20 : Python Comments

    22. Segment 21 :Augmented Assignment Statements

    23. Segment 22 : Other Operators

    24. Segment 23 : Open Project Notebook

    25. Segment 24 : Project Solutions

    1. Segment 25 : Preparing for Module 2

    2. Segment 26 : Exploring the Contents of Module 2

    3. Segment 27 : Downloading Module 2 Content

    4. Segment 28 : What is Python

    5. Segment 29 : What is a Computer Programming Language

    6. Segment 30 : Programming Language Implementations

    7. Segment 31 : A Specific Example of Different Implementations

    8. Segment 32 : Language Specification

    9. Segment 33 : Python Implementations

    10. Segment 34 : Python Syntax

    11. Segment 35 : Components of the Python Programming Language

    12. Segment 36 : Whitespace and Indentation

    13. Segment 37 : Long lines of code

    14. Segment 38 : Python is an Interactive Language

    15. Segment 39 : Running Entire Python Programs

    16. Segment 40 : Why use Python

    17. Segment 41 : Module 2 Project

    1. Segment 42 : Exploring Module 3 Contents

    2. Segment 42 : Objects in the Real World

    3. Segment 43 : An Introduction to Types in Python

    4. Segment 44 : Writing Integers

    5. Segment 45 : The Boolean Type

    6. Segment 46 : The Complex Type

    7. Segment 47 : The Float Type

    8. Segment 48 : The None Object

    9. Segment 49 : Passing Variables to the type Function

    10. Segment 50 : Object Identity

    11. Segment 51 : Dynamic Typing

    12. Segment 52 : Built-in Types

    13. Segment 53 : Object Attributes and Methods

    14. Segment 54 : Accessing Attributes and Methods with Dot Notation

    15. Segment 55 : What isn't an Object

    16. Segment 56 : Summary

    17. Segment 57 : Module 3 Project

    1. Segment 58 : Exploring Module 4 Contents

    2. Segment 59 : Introduction to Strings

    3. Segment 61 : Strings Containing Quotes

    4. Segment 62 : Strings with Escape Characters

    5. Segment 63 : Empty Strings

    6. Segment 64 : Unicode

    7. Segment 65 : Operators with Strings

    8. Segment 66 : Method Chaining

    9. Segment 67 : Find the Length of a String

    10. Segment 68 : String Interpolation

    11. Segment 69 : Selecting Substrings

    12. Segment 70 : Selecting Substrings with Slice Notation

    13. Segment 71 : Changing the Characters of a String

    14. Segment 72 : Testing for a Substring

    15. Segment 73 : Methods

    16. Segment 74 : String Summary

    17. Segment 75 : Module 4 Project

    1. Segment 76 : Introduction to Lists

    2. Segment 77 : Brackets have a New Meaning

    3. Segment 78 : Lists are Data Structures

    4. Segment 79 : Selecting List Items

    5. Segment 80 : Mutating Lists

    6. Segment 81 : Unexpected Behavior with Mutable Objects

    7. Segment 82 : Confirm Objects are the Same with id Function

    8. Segment 83 : Creating a Unique List Copy

    9. Segment 84 : Discovering List Methods

    10. Segment 85 : The append Method

    11. Segment 86 : The extend Method

    12. Segment 87 : The insert Method

    13. Segment 88 : The remove, pop, and clear Methods

    14. Segment 89 : The reverse and sort Methods

    15. Segment 90 : Reversing a List with Slice Notation

    16. Segment 91 : The count and index Methods

    17. Segment 92 : Getting the Length of a List

    18. Segment 93 : Addition and Multiplicaiton Operators with Lists

    19. Segment 94 : List Equality

    20. Segment 95 : Check for Item Membership with the in Operator

    21. Segment 96 : Lists of Lists

    22. Segment 97 : Creating a String from a List

    23. Segment 98 : Lists Summary

    24. Segment 99 : Module 5 Project

    1. Segment 100 : Introduction to the range Object

    2. Segment 101 : The range Constructor

    3. Segment 102 : Viewing the Sequence Defined by range

    4. Segment 103 : The bool Constructor

    5. Segment 104 : The int Constructor

    6. Segment 105 : The float Constructor

    7. Segment 106 : The str Contructor

    8. Segment 107 : More range Functionality

    9. Segment 108 : Summary of Module 6

    10. Segment 109 : Module 6 Project

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  • Free
  • 388 lessons
  • 28.5 hours of video content