Course curriculum

    1. Segment 01: Introduction to the Course & Meet Your Instructor

    2. Segment 02: What is Executive Presence and How it Shows up in Board Rooms

    3. Segment 03: How to Build Trust to Increase Influence

    4. Segment 04: Mistakes Hurting Your Visibility

    5. Segment 05: PDF Tool

    1. Segment 06: How to Identify and Secure a Role in High-Visibility Projects

    2. Segment 07: How to Identify Key Players and Their Power/Influence in Your Organization

    3. Segment 08: Strategic Relationship Management

    1. Segment 09: Identify Your Style of Leadership and Influence

    2. Segment 10: Common Blind Spots

    3. Segment 11: Develop Your Strategic Journey Map

    4. Segment 12: Congratulations and Continuous Learning Journey

About this course

  • Free
  • 12 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

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