Course curriculum

    1. Segment 01 - Welcome to the course

    2. Segment 02 - Introduction to course and instructor

    3. Segment 03 - Establishing credibility and building trust

    4. Segment 04 - Practical Applications- Establishing credibility and building trust

    5. Segment 05 - Understanding the Art of Persuasion

    6. Segment 06 - Practical Applications- Understanding the Art of Persuasion

    7. Segment 07 - Techniques for Effective Communication and Active Listening

    8. Segment 08 - Practical Applications- Techniques for Effective Communication and Active Listening

    9. Segment 09 - Adapting Communication Styles for Different Stakeholders

    10. Segment 10 - Practical Applications- Adapting Communication Styles for Different Stakeholders

    1. Segment 11 - Fostering a Culture of Trust and Cooperation

    2. Segment 12 - Practical Applications- Fostering a Culture of Trust and Cooperation

    3. Segment 13 - Strategies for Effective Teamwork and Collaboration

    4. Segment 14 - Practical Applications- Strategies for Effective Teamwork and Collaboration

    5. Segment 15 - Developing Cross-Functional Relationships and Networks

    6. Segment 16 - Practical Applications- Developing Cross-Functional Relationships and Networks

    7. Segment 17 - Leveraging Diversity and Inclusion for Enhanced Collaboration

    8. Segment 18 - Practical Applications- Leveraging Diversity and Inclusion for Enhanced Collaboration

    1. Segment 19 - Importance of Data-Driven Decision-Making

    2. Segment 20 - Practical Applications- Importance of Data-Driven Decision-Making

    3. Segment 21 - Analytical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

    4. Segment 22 - Practical Applications- Analytical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

    5. Segment 23 - Tools and Techniques for Analyzing Complex Information

    6. Segment 24 - Practical Applications- Tools and Techniques for Analyzing Complex Information

    7. Segment 25 Evaluating Risks and Considering Multiple Perspectives

    8. Segment 26 - Practical Applications Evaluating Risks and Considering Multiple Perspectives

    1. Segment 27 - Understanding the Fundamentals of Negotiation

    2. Segment 28 - Practical Applications Understanding the Fundamentals of Negotiation

    3. Segment 29 - Strategies for Successful Negotiations

    4. Segment 30 - Practical Applications- Strategies for Successful Negotiations

    5. Segment 31 - Managing Conflicts and Resolving Disputes Constructively

    6. Segment 32 - Practical Applications- Managing Conflicts and Resolving Disputes Constructively

    7. Segment 33 - Developing Win-Win Solutions

    8. Segment 34 - Practical Applications- Developing Win-Win Solutions

    1. Segment 35 - Importance of Consensus-Based Decision Making

    2. Segment 36 - Practical Applications Importance of Consensus-Based Decision Making

    3. Segment 37 - Facilitating Group Decision-Making Processes

    4. Segment 38 - Practical Applications Facilitating Group Decision-Making Processes

    5. Segment 39 - Techniques for Generating and Evaluating Options

    6. Segment 40 - Practical Applications Techniques for Generating and Evaluating Options

    7. Segment 41 - Overcoming Biases and Reaching Optimal Decisions

    8. Segment 42 - Practical Applications Overcoming Biases and Reaching Optimal Decisions

    9. Segment 43 - Building Consensus and Managing Dissent

    10. Segment 44 - Practical Applications Building Consensus and Managing Dissent

    11. Segment 45 - Examples Illustrating Successful Consensus-Based Decision-Making

    1. Segment 46 - Conclusion

About this course

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  • 46 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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