Course curriculum

    1. Segment - 01 - Terraform as an Infrastructure as a code

    2. Segment - 02 - Terraform Installation

    1. Segment - 03 - Terraform Configuration for Azure & Introduction to Variables

    2. Segment - 04 - TF State

    1. Segment - 05 - Count for and for each

    2. Segment - 06 - Conditionals and Functions

    1. Segment - 07 - Virtual Machine

    2. Segment - 08 - Provisioners

    1. Segment - 09 - Import and Data

    1. Segment - 10 - Custom Variable

    2. Segment - 11 - Module Count

    3. Segment - 12 - Module for_each

About this course

  • Free
  • 13 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content