Course curriculum

    1. Segment - 01 - Introduction

    2. Segment - 02 - General overview about Cyber Security

    3. Segment - 03 - What Cybersecurity is?

    4. Segment - 04 - Cyberstats

    5. Segment - 05 - Cybersecurity market size

    6. Segment - 06 - Confusions: Cybersecurity or Cyber Security

    7. Segment - 07 - Confusions: Cybersecurity vs information security

    8. Segment - 08 - Cybersecurity professional roadmap

    9. Segment - 09 - Salary

    10. Segment - 10 - Top cybersecurity certifications by

    1. Segment - 11 - Understand hacker’s mindset

    2. Segment - 12 - Hackers Categories

    3. Segment - 13 - IoT

    4. Segment - 14 - What motivates hackers to hack?

    5. Segment - 15 - Understand the cybersecurity kill chain - 01

    6. Segment - 16 - Understand the cybersecurity kill chain - 02

    7. Segment - 17 - Hacking techniques

    8. Segment - 18 - Malicious software used by hackers

    9. Segment - 19 - [LAB] How hackers generate malicious software?

    10. Segment - 20 - [LAB] How to detect that your machine is infected and how to protect yourself?

    1. Segment - 21 - Laws and standards that you need to know

    2. Segment - 22 - ISO27001

    3. Segment - 23 - NIST Framework

    4. Segment - 24 - PCI-DSS

    5. Segment - 25 - PCI-DSS Compliant

    6. Segment - 26 - Laws Introduction

    7. Segment - 27 - Cybersecurity USA, EU & Australia Laws

    8. Segment - 28 - Last Power

    9. Segment - 29 - Conclusion

    1. Quiz - Cybersecurity Path

    2. Quiz - Cybersecurity Laws & Standards

    3. Quiz - Hackers Techniques & Motivation

About this course

  • Free
  • 32 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content