Introduction to Google Cloud IoT
This course is meant for anyone who wants to build exciting projects on the Google cloud platform and take their IoT projects to the next level.
Segment - 01 - Google Cloud IoT Core Architecture
Segment - 02 - Getting started with IoT Core
Segment - 03 - The Road Ahead
Segment - 04 - Financial Budgeting and Alerts
Segment - 05 - Topic, Subscription, Registry creation
Segment - 06 - Registering a Thing
Segment - 07 - OpenSSL Installation and Service Account
Segment - 08 - Connecting DHT11 to Raspberry Pi
Segment - 09 - Sending data to cloud IoT core
Segment - 10 - Setting up Arduino IDE for ESP32
Segment - 11 - Interfacing LCD with ESP32
Segment - 12 - Google Cloud Functions (GCF)
Segment - 13 - Configuring ESP32 from Cloud
Segment - 14 - Triggering the ESP32 from Cloud
Segment - 15 - Exploring the Twilio Service
Segment - 16 - Notification Service using Twilio
Segment - 17 - Email notification using SendGrid
Segment - 18 - Cloud Scheduler and Cronjob Scheduling
Segment - 19 - Cloud Dataflow in brief
Segment - 20 - Exploring the Cloud Storage
Segment - 21 - A tour of Cloud Big Query
Segment - 22 - Data Studio and Data Visualization
Segment - 23 - Conclusion