Course curriculum

    1. Segment - 01 - Google Cloud IoT Core Architecture

    2. Segment - 02 - Getting started with IoT Core

    3. Segment - 03 - The Road Ahead

    4. Segment - 04 - Financial Budgeting and Alerts

    1. Segment - 05 - Topic, Subscription, Registry creation

    2. Segment - 06 - Registering a Thing

    3. Segment - 07 - OpenSSL Installation and Service Account

    4. Segment - 08 - Connecting DHT11 to Raspberry Pi

    5. Segment - 09 - Sending data to cloud IoT core

    1. Segment - 10 - Setting up Arduino IDE for ESP32

    2. Segment - 11 - Interfacing LCD with ESP32

    3. Segment - 12 - Google Cloud Functions (GCF)

    4. Segment - 13 - Configuring ESP32 from Cloud

    5. Segment - 14 - Triggering the ESP32 from Cloud

    1. Segment - 15 - Exploring the Twilio Service

    2. Segment - 16 - Notification Service using Twilio

    3. Segment - 17 - Email notification using SendGrid

    4. Segment - 18 - Cloud Scheduler and Cronjob Scheduling

    1. Segment - 19 - Cloud Dataflow in brief

    2. Segment - 20 - Exploring the Cloud Storage

    3. Segment - 21 - A tour of Cloud Big Query

    4. Segment - 22 - Data Studio and Data Visualization

    5. Segment - 23 - Conclusion

About this course

  • Free
  • 23 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content