Course curriculum

    1. Segment 1 - Introduction to the course and instructor

    2. Segment 2 - Unveiling the Components of a Strong Business Plan

    3. Segment 3 - Targeting the Right Audience with Precision

    4. Segment 4 - Setting Clear Business Objectives and Milestones

    5. Segment 5 - Elevating Your Value Proposition for Maximum Impact

    1. Segment 6 - Surveying Profitable Online Business Models

    2. Segment 7 - Adapting Business Models to Market Trends

    3. Segment 8 - Aligning Your Offering with the Ideal Business Model

    4. Segment 9 - Pinpointing the Optimal Business Model for Success

    1. Segment 10 - Selecting the Optimal E-commerce Platform

    2. Segment 11 - Architecting User-Centric Online Store Designs

    3. Segment 12 - Leveraging Social Media for Brand Amplification

    4. Segment 13 - Crafting Engaging Content to Captivate Your Audience

    1. Segment 14 - Ensuring Secure Online Payment Transactions 

    2. Segment 15 - Streamlining Shipping and Fulfillment Strategies 

    3. Segment 16 - Excelling in Customer Support and Relationship Building 

    4. Segment 17 - Efficiently Managing Inventory and Stock for Growth

    1. Segment 18 - Unveiling Dynamic Digital Marketing Strategies 

    2. Segment 19 - Harnessing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Success

    3. Segment 20 - Driving Results with Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)

    4. Segment 21 - Enhancing Customer Engagement through Email Marketing

    5. Segment 22 - Conclusions and Takeaways

About this course

  • Free
  • 22 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

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