Course curriculum

    1. Segment 1 - Introduction to the course & agenda

    2. Segment 2 - Overview of lean Principles and their significance in Modern Organizations

    3. Segment 3 - The Toyota Production System and its key concepts

    4. Segment 4 - Lean thinking and the 5 principles of lean management

    1. Segment 5 - Understanding the various types of waste and their impact on organizational performance

    2. Segment 6 - Value stream mapping and identifying non-value-added activities - Part 1

    3. Segment 7 - Value stream mapping and identifying non-value-added activities - Part 2

    4. Segment 8 - Strategies for waste elimination and process optimization

    1. Segment 9 - Introduction to visual management and its role in enhancing process transparency

    2. Segment 10 - Implementing 5S methodology for workplace organization and standardization

    3. Segment 11 - Visual tools and techniques for improving communication and reducing errors

    1. Segment 12 - The philosophy of continuous improvement and its connection to lean management

    2. Segment 13 - Introduction to Kaizen and its application in driving small-scale improvements

    3. Segment 14 - Establishing a culture of continuous improvement and employee involvement

    1. Segment 15 - Key performance indicators (KPIs) and their significance in measuring lean success Part - 1

    2. Segment 16 - Key performance indicators (KPIs) and their significance in measuring lean success Part - 2

    3. Segment 17 - Establishing meaningful metrics for process performance evaluation

    4. Segment 18 - Data collection and analysis techniques to drive data-driven decision-making

    1. Segment 19 - Lean principles in supply chain and logistics management

    2. Segment 20 - Inventory control techniques and lean practices in demand-driven systems

    3. Segment 21 - Collaborative partnerships and lean thinking in supply chain integration

About this course

  • Free
  • 35 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

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