Course curriculum

    1. Resources

    2. Module 1.1 - What is Pandas?

    3. Segment 1 - What is Pandas

    4. Segment 2 - Which Version of Pandas to Use

    5. Segment 3 - Pandas Examples

    6. Module 1.2 - The DataFrame and Series

    7. Segment 4 - Introduction to the DataFrame and Series

    8. Segment 5 - DataFrame Components

    9. Segment 6 - Selecting a Series

    10. Segment 7 - Components of a Series

    11. Segment 8 - Getting Help in a Jupyter Notebook

    12. Segment 9 - Exercises

    13. Modules 1.3 - Data Types and Missing Values

    14. Segment 10 - Introduction to Data Types and Missing Values

    15. Segment 11 - Finding the Data Type of Each Column

    16. Segment 12 - Getting More Metadata

    17. Segment 13 - Exercises

    18. Module 1.4 - Setting a Meaningful Index

    19. Segment 14 - Setting an Index of a DataFrame

    20. Segment 15 - Accessing the Index, Columns, and Data

    21. Segment 16 - Accessing the Components of a Series

    22. Segment 17 - The Default Index

    23. Segment 18 - Setting an Index on Read

    24. Segment 19 - Choosing a Good Index

    25. Segment 20 - Exercises

    26. Module 1.5 - Five-Step Process for Data Exploration

    27. Segment 21 - Five-Step Process for Data Exploration

    1. Module 2.1 - Selecting Subsets of Data from DataFrames with Just Brackets

    2. Segment 22 - Introduction to Subset Selection

    3. Segment 23 -Selecting with Just the Brackets

    4. Segment 24 -Exercises

    5. Module 2.2 - Selecting Subsets of Data from DataFrames with loc

    6. Segment 25 - Simultaneous Row and Column Subset Selection

    7. Segment 26 - Slice Notation with loc

    8. Segment 27 - Other Subset Selections with loc

    9. Segment 28 -Exercises

    10. Module 2.3 - Selecting Subsets of Data with Iloc

    11. Segment 29 - Simultaneous Row and Column Subset Selection

    12. Segment 30 -Exercises

    13. Module 2.4 - Selecting Subsets of Data from a Series

    14. Segment 31 - Selecting Subsets of Data from a Series

    15. Segment 32 -Exercises

    16. Module 2.5 - Boolean Selection Single Condition

    17. Segment 33 - Boolean Selection Single Conditions

    18. Segment 34 - Practical Boolean Selection

    19. Segment 35 - Exercises

    20. Module 2.6 - Boolean Selection Multiple Conditions

    21. Segment 36 - Different Logical Operators for Boolean Series

    22. Segment 37 - Inverting a Condition with the Not Operator

    23. Segment 38 - Many Equality Conditions in a Single Column

    24. Segment 39 - Exercises - Boolean Selection Multiple Conditions

    25. Module 2.7 - Boolean Selection More

    26. Segment 40 - Boolean Selection on a Series

    27. Segment 41 - Simultaneous Boolean Selection of Rows and Column Labels with loc

    28. Segment 42 - Column to Column Comparison

    29. Segment 43 - Filter for Missing Values

    30. Segment 44 -Exercises - Boolean Selection More

    31. Module 2.8 - Filtering with the Query Method

    32. Segment 45 - Introduction to the Query Method

    33. Segment 46 - Column to Column Comparison with Query

    34. Segment 48 - Arithmetic Operations within Query

    35. Segment 49 - Reference Variable Names

    36. Segment 50 - Selecting Columns with Query

    37. Segment 51 - Summary of the Query Method

    38. Segment 52 -Exercises

    39. Module 2.9 - Miscellaneous Subset Selection

    40. Segment 53 - Selecting a Column with Dot Notation

    41. Segment 54 -Selecting Rows with just the Brackets using Slice Notation

    42. Segment 55 - Selecting a Single Cell with at and iat

    43. Module 2.10 - Taking Certification Exam

    44. Segment 56 - Going to Exam Website

    45. Segment 57 - Completing the Exam

    46. Segment 58 - Submitting the Exam

    1. Module 3.1 - Numeric Series Methods

    2. Segment 59 - Numeric Series Methods

    3. Segment 60 - Core Series Attributes

    4. Segment 61 - Arithmetic Operators

    5. Segment 62 - Comparison Operators

    6. Segment 63 - Boolean and Bitwise Operators

    7. Segment 64 - Aggregation Methods

    8. Segment 65 - Non-Aggregation Methods

    9. Segment 66 - Series Methods with a Non-Default Index

    10. Segment 67 - Operations on a Boolean Series

    11. Segment 68 - Exercises

    12. Module 3.2 - Series Missing Value Methods

    13. Segment 69 - The isna and notna Methods

    14. Segment 70 - Dropping Missing Values with dropna

    15. Segment 71 - Filling Missing Values with the fillna Method

    16. Segment 72 - Filling Missing Values with interpolate

    17. Segment 73 - Exercises

    18. Segment 74 - Sorting the Value and the Index

    19. Module 3.3 - Series Sorting, Ranking and Uniqueness

    20. Segment 75 - Ranking

    21. Segment 76 - Uniqueness

    22. Segment 77 - Exercises

    23. Module 3.4 - More Series Methods

    24. Segment 78 - The agg, idxmin, idxmax, nsmallest, and nlargest Methods

    25. Segment 79 - Differencing Methods diff and pct_change

    26. Segment 80 - Randomly Sample a Series

    27. Segment 81 - The replace Method

    28. Segment 82 - Exercises

    29. Module 3.5 - String Series Methods

    30. Segment 83 - String Series Methods

    31. Segment 84 - The value_counts Method

    32. Segment 85 - The split String Method

    33. Segment 86 - Special Methods Just for Object Columns

    34. Segment 87 - More String-Only Methods

    35. Segment 88 - The replace String Method

    36. Segment 89 - Selecting Subsets with the Brackets

    37. Segment 90 - Exericses

    38. Module 3.6 - Datetime Series Methods

    39. Segment 91 - Datetime Attributes

    40. Segment 92 - Datetime Methods

    41. Segment 93 - Format Time as a String with strftime

    42. Segment 94 - Convert to Period

    43. Segment 95 - Timedeltas

    44. Segment 96 - Datetime Series Methods

    45. Module 3.7 - Project - Testing Normality of Stock Market Returns

    46. Segment 97 - Project - Testing Normality of Stock Market Returns

    47. Segment 98 - Exercises

    1. Module 4.1 - Introduction to DataFrames

    2. Segment 99- Introduction to DataFrames

    3. Segment 100 - Arithmetic DataFrame Operations

    4. Segment 102 - DataFrame Comparison Operators

    5. Segment 103 - Overlap of DataFrame and Series Methods

    6. Segment 104 - Data Dictionaries

    7. Segment 105 - Exercises

    8. Module 4.2 - Numeric DataFrame Methods

    9. Segment 106 - Aggregation Methods

    10. Segment 107 - Changing the Direction of the Operation

    11. Segment 108 - Non-Aggregation Methods

    12. Segment 109 - Summary Statistics for All Columns with the Describe Method

    13. Segment 110 - Nuisance Columns

    14. Segment 111 - Exercises

    15. Module 4.3 - DataFrame Missing Value Methods

    16. Segment 112 - The agg, idxmin, and idxmax Methods

    17. Segment 113 - Dropping Rows and Columns with the dropna Method

    18. Segment 114 - Filling missing values with the fillna Method

    19. Segment 115 - The interpolate Method

    20. Segment 116 - Exercises

    21. Module 4.4 - DataFame Sorting, Ranking and Uniqueness

    22. Segment 117 - Sorting

    23. Segment 118 - Ranking

    24. Segment 119 - Uniqueness

    25. Segment 120 - Finding the Maximum or Minimum of a Group

    26. Segment 121 - The value_counts Method

    27. Segment 122 - Exercises

    28. Module 4.5 - DataFrame Structure Methods

    29. Segment 123 - Adding a New Column to the DataFrame

    30. Segment 124 - Copying the DataFrame

    31. Segment 125 - Column and Row Dropping and Renaming

    32. Segment 126 - Inserting Columns in the Middle of a DataFrame

    33. Segment 127 - Getting the Integer Location with the Index get_loc Method

    34. Segment 128 - The pop Method

    35. Segment 129 - Exercises

    36. Module 4.6 - More DataFame Methods

    37. Segment 130 - The isna and notna Methods

    38. Segment 131 - Differencing methods diff and pct_change

    39. Segment 132 - The Sample Method

    40. Segment 133 - The nsmallest and nlargest methods

    41. Segment 134 - The corr Method

    42. Segment 135 - The replace Method

    43. Segment 136 - Methods available only to Series and not DataFrames

    44. Segment 137 - Exercises

    45. Module 4.7 - Assigning Subsets of Data

    46. Segment 138 - Setting New Data with loc

    47. Segment 139 - Setting New Data with iloc

    48. Segment 140 - Boolean Selection Assignment

    49. Segment 141 - Improper Assignment

    50. Segment 142 - Exercises

    1. Module 5.1 - Integer, Float and Boolean Data Types

    2. Segment 143 - Integer Data Type

    3. Segment 144 - Changing Data Types with astype

    4. Segment 145 - Unsigned Integers

    5. Segment 146 - Nullable Integer Data Type

    6. Segment 147 - Boolean Selection with Nullable Booleans

    7. Segment 148 - Float Data Types

    8. Segment 149 - Changing from Float to Int

    9. Segment 150 - Pandas Nullable Float Data Type

    10. Segment 151 - Boolean Data Type

    11. Segment 152 - Nullable Boolean Data Type

    12. Segment 153 - Different Syntax for Data Types

    13. Segment 154 - Data Type Summary

    14. Segment 155 - Exercises

    15. Module 5.2 - Object, Categorical, and String Data Types

    16. Segment 156 - 1 Object Data Types

    17. Segment 157 - Categorical Data Type

    18. Segment 158 - Internal Storage of Categorical Data

    19. Segment 159 - The cat Acccessor

    20. Segment 160 - Modifying Categories

    21. Segment 161 - Massive Reduction in Memory Used

    22. Segment 162 - Speeding Up Operations

    23. Segment 163 - The str Accessor is Still Available

    24. Segment 164 - Ordered Categories

    25. Segment 165 - Integers can be Categories

    26. Segment 166 - The New String Data Type

    27. Segment 167 - Converting Strings to Numerica

    28. Segment 168 - Exercises

    29. Module 5.3 - Datetime, Timedelta, and Period Data Types

    30. Segment 169 - The pandas datetime64 data type

    31. Segment 170 - The pandas timedelta64 data type

    32. Segment 171 - The pandas period data type

    33. Segment 172 - Summary Table

    34. Segment 173 - Exercises

    35. Module 5.4 - DataFrame Data Type Conversion

    36. Segment 174 - Discovering Strings in Numeric Columns

    37. Segment 175 - Converting non-numeric values to missing

    38. Segment 176 - The astype method for DataFrames

    39. Segment 177 - Reading in data with known missing values

    40. Segment 178 - More Data type Conversion with the Housing Dataset

    41. Segment 179 - Exercises

    1. Module 6.1 - Grouping Aggregation Basics

    2. Segment 180- Grouping Aggregation Basics

    3. Segment 181 - Grouping with the groupby Method

    4. Segment 182 - Use String Names for Aggregation Functions

    5. Segment 183 - Aligning the Dots when Method Chaining

    6. Segment 184 - The Index When Grouping

    7. Segment 185 - The GroupBy Object

    8. Segment 186 - Exercises

    9. Module 6.2 - Grouping and Aggregating Multiple Columns

    10. Segment 187 - Grouping with Multiple Columns

    11. Segment 188 - Aggregating Multiple Columns

    12. Segment 189 - Getting the size of each group

    13. Segment 190 - Exercises

    14. Module 6.3 - Grouping with Pivot Tables

    15. Segment 191 - Creating Pivot Tables with Pandas

    16. Segment 192 - Where is the Pivoting

    17. Segment 193 - Styling Pivot Tables

    18. Segment 194 - Getting the Size of each Group

    19. Segment 195 - Add Marging to get Row and Column Totals

    20. Segment 196 - Non-Standard Pivot Tables

    21. Segment 197 - Exercises

    22. Module 6.4 - Counting with Crosstabs

    23. Segment 198 - Counting the Frequency with the crosstab Function

    24. Segment 199 - Normalizing Other Aggregations

    25. Segment 200 - crosstab is almost unnecessary in pandas

    26. Segment 201 - Exercises

    27. Module 6.5 - Alternative Groupby Syntax

    28. Segment 202 - Alternative Groupby Syntax

    29. Segment 203 - Exercises

    30. Module 6.6 - Custom Aggregation

    31. Segment 204 - Using a Custom Aggregation Function

    32. Segment 205 - Custom aggregation functions must return a single value

    33. Segment 206 - Find the mean salary for the five highest paid employees per department

    34. Segment 207 - What percent of total salary do these five employees represent

    35. Segment 208 - Using a custom aggregation function in a pivot table

    36. Segment 209 - Percentage of employees by department with salaries greater than 100,000

    37. Segment 210 - Optimizing a custom aggregation function

    38. Segment 211 - Complete operations that are independent of the group outside of the custom function

    39. Segment 212 - Exercises

    40. Module 6.7 - Filer and Transform with Groupby

    41. Segment 213 - The filter Method

    42. Segment 214 - Viewing each Sub-DataFrame

    43. Segment 215 - Summary of the GroupBy filter Method

    44. Segment 216 - Finding actors that appear in at least 25 movies

    45. Segment 217 - The groupby transform Method

    46. Segment 218 - transform second use case - return a new value for each row in the group

    47. Segment 219 - Find Difference from the Mean

    48. Segment 220 - Transforming multiple columns

    49. Segment 221 - Summary of the groupby transform method

    50. Segment 222 - Exercises

    51. Module 6.8 - More Groupby Methods

    52. Segment 223 - Kinds of groupby attributes and methods

    53. Segment 224 - head, tail, and nth groupby methods

    54. Segment 225 - Groupby Methods Unique to Series

    55. Segment 226 - Non-aggregating Methods

    56. Module 6.9 - Binning Numeric Columns

    57. Segment 227 - Exercises

    58. Segment 228 - Binning with pd.cut

    59. Segment 229 - Cut into a specific number of bins

    60. Segment 230 - Quantile binning with pd.qcut

    61. Module 6.10 - Miscellaneous Grouping Functionality

    62. Segment 231 - Grouping with Bins

    63. Segment 232 - Exercises

    64. Segment 233 - Grouping by Columns not in the DataFrame

    65. Segment 234 - Grouping Series and aggregating other columns

    66. Segment 235 - Change the Direction of Grouping

    67. Segment 236 - Exercises

About this course

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  • 278 lessons
  • 15.5 hours of video content