Course curriculum

    1. Module 1 - Overview and Learning Objectives

    2. Segment - 01 - Welcome

    3. Segment - 02 - Audience

    4. Segment - 03 - Instructor

    5. Segment - 04 - SCM

    6. Segment - 05 - Git

    7. Segment - 06 - Command

    1. Module 2 - Overview and Learning Objectives

    2. Segment - 07 - Overview

    3. Segment - 08 - System

    4. Segment - 09 - Chrome

    5. Segment - 10 - Command

    6. Segment - 11 - Git Install

    7. Segment - 12 - Git Help

    8. Segment - 13 - Git Configuration

    1. Module 3 - Overview and Learning Objectives

    2. Segment - 14 - Bash Overview

    3. Segment - 15 - Getting Around

    4. Segment - 16 - Cmd Help

    5. Segment - 17 - Files Folders

    6. Segment - 18 - VI

    7. Segment - 19 - Projects

    1. Module 4 - Overview and Learning Objectives

    2. Segment - 20 - GitHub Create Account

    3. Segment - 21 - GitHub Repository

    4. Segment - 22 - Clone

    5. Segment - 23 - Edit

    6. Segment - 24 - First Commit

    7. Segment - 25 - Push

    1. Module 5 - Overview and Learning Objectives

    2. Segment - 26 - Command Line Overview

    3. Segment - 27 - Command Prompt

    4. Segment - 28 - Notepad

    5. Segment - 29 - Git init

    6. Segment - 30 - First Commit

    7. Segment - 31 - Remote

    8. Segment - 32 - Powershell

    1. Module 6 - Overview and Learning Objectives

    2. Segment - 33 - Text Editor Overview

    3. Segment - 34 - Atom Install

    4. Segment - 35 - Atom Font

    5. Segment - 36 - Atom Git

    6. Segment - 37 - Atom Demo

    7. Segment - 38 - Atom Explorer

About this course

  • Free
  • 138 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content