Course curriculum

    1. Segment - 01 - Using the Mu Editor

    2. Segment - 02 - MicroPython Basics

    3. Segment - 03 - Advanced MicroPython

    4. Segment - 04 - MicroPython Modules for the Micro:bit

    5. Segment - 05 - Working with the File System

    1. Segment - 06 - Working with the Buttons and the LED Matrix

    2. Segment - 07 - Working with Temperature, the Touch and the Light Sensor

    3. Segment - 08 - Working with the Accelerometer and the Compass

    4. Segment - 09 - Working with Radio Communication

    1. Segment - 10 - LED Dimmer using a Potentiometer

    2. Segment - 11 - What is an LDR and a PIR Sensor?

    3. Segment - 12 - Interfacing Sensors and Reading Sensor Values

    4. Segment - 13 - What is a Speaker and how to interface it?

    5. Segment - 14 - Music and Speech Synthesis in the Micro:bit

    1. Segment - 15 - Working of a Relay

    2. Segment - 16 - Interfacing of a Relay with the Micro:bit

    3. Segment - 17 - Automatic Night Light Project

    4. Segment - 18 - Intruder Detection

    5. Segment - 19 - Remote Home Automation using 2 Micro:bits

    1. Segment - 20 - Working of a 16x2 LCD over I2C

    2. Segment - 21 - Interfacing 16x2 LCD over I2C

    3. Segment - 22 - LCD Notice Board Project using the Micro:bit

    4. Segment - 23 - Working and nterfacing of BMP180 over I2C

    5. Segment - 24 - Weather Station Project

About this course

  • Free
  • 24 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content