Course curriculum

    1. Segment 01 - Introduction to the course & instructor

    2. Segment 02 - Course overview

    3. Segment 03 -The Importance of personal productivity

    4. Segment 04 - What is time management

    5. Segment 05 - The role of prioritization in productivity

    1. Segment 06 - Importance of goal setting for time management

    2. Segment 07 - SMART goals

    3. Segment 08 - Aligning goals to vision and values

    1. Segment 09 - The role of organization in productivity

    2. Segment 10 - Tools for task organization- lists, planners, digital tools

    3. Segment 11 - Categorizing tasks- important vs. urgent

    1. Segment 12 - Time management matrix

    2. Segment 13 - The pomodoro technique

    3. Segment 14 - Time blocking

    4. Segment 15 - Delegation and outsourcing

    1. Segment 16 - The eisenhower box

    2. Segment 17 - The ABCDE method

    3. Segment 18 - The ivy lee method

    1. Segment 19 - Short-term and long-term planning

    2. Segment 20 - Weekly and daily planning

    3. Segment 21 - Review and adjustment of plans

About this course

  • Free
  • 31 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

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