Course curriculum

    1. Segment - 01 - Introduction to the Course

    2. Segment - 02 - Introduction to Python

    3. Segment - 03 - How to Install Python on Windows

    4. Segment - 04 - How to Install Python on Mac

    5. Segment - 05 - How to Install Tableau Public

    6. Segment - 06 - How the Course is Structured

    1. Segment - 07 - Introduction to Spyder

    2. Segment - 08 - Introduction to Python and the Spyder Layout

    3. Segment - 09 - What Happens When We Close Spyder

    4. Segment - 10 - Working with Pandas and Reading CSV Files

    5. Segment - 11 - Working with Calculations on Python

    6. Segment - 12 - Concatenating Variables and Working with iloc

    7. Segment - 13 - Running our Final Script

    8. Segment - 14 - Using Various Functions in Python

    1. Segment - 15 - Working with JSON Data

    2. Segment - 16 - Working with Arrays

    3. Segment - 17 - If Statements and For Loops

    4. Segment - 18 - Running our Final Script

    5. Segment - 19 - Try and Except and Plots

    1. Segment - 20 - Group By and Aggregates

    2. Segment - 21 - Functions in Python

    3. Segment - 22 - Classes in Python

    4. Segment - 23 - Sentiment Analysis

    1. Segment - 24 - Introduction to Tableau Public

    2. Segment - 25 - Reviewing What We Will Be Building

    3. Segment - 26 - Connecting to the Data Source

    4. Segment - 27 - Creating a Line Chart

    5. Segment - 28 - Creating Bar Charts

    6. Segment - 29 - Creating Maps and Headline Cards

    7. Segment - 30 - Creating Dashboards and Publishing

    1. Segment - 31 - Reviewing What We Will Be Building

    2. Segment - 32 - Connecting to the Data

    3. Segment - 33 - Building Charts - Part 1

    4. Segment - 34 - Building Charts - Part 2

    5. Segment - 35 - Building and Publishing Dashboard

About this course

  • Free
  • 40 lessons
  • 11 hours of video content