Course curriculum

    1. Segment - 01 - Preface

    2. Segment - 02 - Introduction

    3. Reading - 01 - Introduction

    4. Segment - 03 - Why Residential Property

    5. Reading - 02 - Why Residential Property

    6. Segment - 04 - Are you an Investor or Developer

    7. Reading - 03 - Are you an Investor or Developer

    8. Segment - 05 - Understanding The Market

    9. Reading - 04 - Understanding the Market

    10. Segment - 06 - Understanding the Development Process

    11. Reading - 05 - Understanding the Development Process

    12. Segment - 07 - Always Get the Best Advice

    13. Reading - 06 - Always Get the Best Advice

    14. Segment - 08 - Site Selection and Purchase

    15. Reading - 07 - Site Selection and Purchase

    16. Segment - 09 - Maximizing Your Profit

    17. Reading - 08 - Maximizing Your Profit

    18. Segment - 10 - Sourcing Development Finance

    19. Reading - 09 - Sourcing Development Finance

    20. Segment - 11 - Ownership Structures

    21. Reading - 10 - Ownership Structures

    22. Segment - 12 - Taxes and Tax Planning

    23. Reading - 11- Taxes and Tax Planning

    24. Segment - 13 - Landownership, Title and Transfer

    25. Reading - 12 - Landownership, Title and Transfer

    26. Segment - 14 - Authorities, Regulations and Approvals

    27. Reading - 13 - Authorities, Regulations and Approvals

    28. Segment - 15 - Residential Planning and Design

    29. Reading - 14 - Residential Planning and Design

    30. Segment - 16 - Contractors, Contracts and Construction

    31. Reading - 15 - Contractors, Contracts and Construction

    32. Segment - 17 - Marketing and Selling

    33. Reading - 16 - Marketing and Selling

    34. Segment - 18 - Leasing and Property Management

    35. Reading - 17 - Leasing and Property Management

    36. Segment - 19 - Conclusion

    37. Reading - 18 - Conclusion

About this course

  • Free
  • 37 lessons
  • 8.5 hours of video content