Course curriculum

    1. Module 1 - Overview and Learning Objectives

    2. Segment - 01 - What Is Responsive Design?

    3. Segment - 02 - Columns And Content

    4. Segment - 03 - Mobile First Approach

    5. Segment - 04 - Different Libraries

    6. Segment - 05 - Device Support And Break Points

    7. Segment - 06 - Design For Phones

    8. Segment - 07 - Time Management

    1. Module 2 - Overview and Learning Objectives

    2. Segment - 08 - Responsive Design Introduction

    3. Segment - 09 - Page Anatomy

    4. Segment - 10 - How Responsive Resize Works

    5. Segment - 11 - Create Responsive Design 1

    6. Segment - 12 - Create Responsive Design 2

    7. Segment - 13 - Create Responsive Design 3

    8. Segment - 14 - Create Responsive Design 4

    1. Module 3 - Overview and Learning Objectives

    2. Segment - 15 - Folder Structure

    3. Segment - 16 - Exporting Assets

    4. Segment - 17 - Sending The Files

    1. Segment - 18 - Conclusion

    1. Resource - 1.1 - Studio Design Agency Project

    2. Resource - 1.2 - Project Resources

About this course

  • Free
  • 23 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content