
Sales is part of every job today, internal and external. This course will orient you on sales and relationship management, a very important aspect of business - one that going forward, will help you in your career. This serves as an introduction to sales, relationship management and the importance of both in banking and services.

This course covers the following topics, in three sections. First, an introduction to the importance of sales and relationship management is given. Then, covering the sales aspect:

1. Sales? A Definition and the Truth

2. Where do you fit in?

3. The Right Mindset / The Right Skills

4. Your Unique Selling Position

5. Analyzing Your Market Opportunity

6. Competitive Analysis

7. The Sales Process

8. Great Meetings

9. Closing (Options, Pricing)

10. Success Principles

11. Success Metrics

12. Recap

Finally, covering the Relationship Management aspect:

1. What’s Relationship Management?

2. The New Truth

3. Why is it important?

4. Relevance to banking

5. Internal and external importance

6. Principals of building positive relationships

7. Steps to the process

8. Principals to managing negative relationships

9. Steps to the process

10. Relationship Best Practices

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, you will be able to...

  • You'll learn the key principles of sales and relationship management
  • You'll learn how to optimize your sales strategy 
  • You'll learn how to perform excellent relationship management with clients
  • You'll learn how to manage negative relationships and overcome barriers
  • You'll learn why sales and relationship management are important to all industries
  • You'll learn how to have great sales meetings

Course curriculum

    1. The Importance of Sales and Relationship Management

    2. The Importance of Sales and Relationship Management (Slides)

    1. Introduction to the Sales Profession Matrix

    2. Introduction to the Sales Profession Matrix (Slides)

    3. The Roles of Sales in Banking

    4. The Roles of Sales in Banking (Slides)

    5. The Sales Process: Overview

    6. The Sales Process (Slides)

    7. The Sales Process: Research

    8. The Sales Process: Research (Slides)

    9. Creating a Unique Selling Position

    10. Creating a Unique Selling Position (Slides)

    11. Open-Ended Questions

    12. Open-Ended Questions (Slides)

    13. Making Presentations

    14. Making Presentations (Slides)

    15. The Role of a Great Meeting

    16. The Role of a Great Meeting (Slides)

    17. Helping Your Prospect Become Your Client by Providing Real Buying Options

    18. Helping Your Prospect Become Your Client by Providing Real Buying Options (Slides)

    19. The Close

    20. The Close (Slides)

    21. A Review of the Importance of Sales in Banking

    22. A Review of the Importance of Sales in Banking (Slides)

    1. Introduction to Relationship Management

    2. Introduction to Relationship Management (Slides)

    3. The Overview of Relationship Management in Banking

    4. The Overview of Relationship Management in Banking (Slides)

    5. The Risks/Rewards of Mastering Relationship Management

    6. The Risks/Rewards of Mastering Relationship Management (Slides)

    7. An Introduction to the Principles of Positive Relationship

    8. An Introduction to the Principles of Positive Relationship (Slides)

    9. Simple Steps in the Relationship Management Process

    10. Simple Steps in the Relationship Management Process (Slides)

    11. Problem Resolution Process

    12. Problem Resolution Process (Slides)

    13. The Principles of Managing Negative Relationships Part 1

    14. The Principles of Managing Negative Relationships Part 1 (Slides)

    15. The Principles of Managing Negative Relationships Part 2

    16. The Principles of Managing Negative Relationships Part 2 (Slides)

    17. The Resolutions Matrix

    18. The Resolutions Matrix (Slides)

    19. Best Practices in Relationship Management

    20. Best Practices in Relationship Management (Slides)

    21. Sales and Relationship Management Review

    22. Sales and Relationship Management Review (Slides)

About this course

  • $49.95
  • 46 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content