Course curriculum

    1. Segment - 01 - Introduction

    2. Segment - 02 - About RA

    3. Segment - 03 - Recommendations

    4. Segment - 04 - Why R

    5. Segment - 05 - Shiny

    6. Segment - 06 - Application Dynamics

    7. Segment - 07 - Supply Chain Applications

    8. Segment - 08 - Curriculum

    1. Segment - 09 - Welcome to the World of R

    2. Segment - 10 - What is R Statistical Language

    3. Segment - 11 - How to Install R

    4. Segment - 12 - How to Install R Studio

    5. Segment - 13 - A Walk Through Tutorial

    6. Segment - 14 - Setup Your Project

    7. Segment - 15 - Install Packages

    8. Segment - 16 - Summary

    1. Segment - 17 - Introduction

    2. Segment - 18 - Different Data Structures and Types in R

    3. Segment - 19 - Do Arithmetic Calculations in R and Write Functions

    4. Segment - 20 - Creating a List

    5. Segment - 21 - Importing Data in R and Basic Exploration

    6. Segment - 22 - Selecting Data in Dataframe

    7. Segment - 23 - If Else Function

    8. Segment - 24 - Conditions

    9. Segment - 25 - Functions With Conditions

    10. Segment - 26 - For Loops

    11. Segment - 27 - Applying a Function Inside a For Loop

    12. Segment - 28 - For Loop on a Dataframe

    13. Segment - 29 - Applying the Function on a Dataframe

    14. Segment - 30 - Assignment

    15. Segment - 31 - Assignment Section 4 Answer Part 1

    16. Segment - 32 - Assignment Section 4 Answer Part 2

    17. Segment - 33 - Summary

    1. Segment - 34 - Introduction

    2. Segment - 35 - Introduction to Dplyr

    3. Segment - 36 - Investigate With Dplyr

    4. Segment - 37 - Unique Invoices

    5. Segment - 38 - Average Invoice Value Per Country

    6. Segment - 39 - Average Number of Items with in an Invoice

    7. Segment - 40 - Joining

    8. Segment - 41 - Changing Date Time to Date

    9. Segment - 42 - Pivot Wider

    10. Segment - 43 - Pivot Longer

    11. Segment - 44 - Separate and Paste

    12. Segment - 45 - Putting it All Together

    13. Segment - 46 - Assignment New York Airlines

    14. Segment - 47 - Assignment Question 1 Answer

    15. Segment - 48 - Assignment Question 2 and 3 Answer

    16. Segment - 49 - Assignment Question 4,5 and 6

    17. Segment - 50 - Assignment Question 7

    18. Segment - 51 - Summary

    1. Segment - 52 - Introduction

    2. Segment - 53 - Installing Packages

    3. Segment - 54 - First Shiny Applications

    4. Segment - 55 - Our First UI

    5. Segment - 56 - Input and Output

    6. Segment - 57 - R Activity in Application

    7. Segment - 58 - Fibonacci Assignment

    8. Segment - 59 - Fibonacci Sequence Assignment

    9. Segment - 60 - Declarative and Imperative Programming

    10. Segment - 61 - Getting Unique Identifiers

    11. Segment - 62 - Overview

    12. Segment - 63 - User Interface

    13. Segment - 64 - App Structure

    14. Segment - 65 - Date Reactivity

    15. Segment - 66 - Country and SKU Reactivity

    16. Segment - 67 - Lineplot

    17. Segment - 68 - Application Running

    18. Segment - 69 - Datatables

    1. Segment - 70 - Inventory Algorithm Introduction

    2. Segment - 71 - Inventory Applications

    3. Segment - 72 - Database for Inventory

    4. Segment - 73 - MySQL Server

    5. Segment - 74 - Installation

    6. Segment - 75 - Initializing Database

    7. Segment - 76 - Preparing for Database

    8. Segment - 77 - Preparing the Data

    9. Segment - 78 - Filtering Stocks

    10. Segment - 79 - Sending Stock and Sales

    11. Segment - 80 - Algorithm Assumptions

    12. Segment - 81 - Purchase Orders

    13. Segment - 82 - Connect to Database

    14. Segment - 83 - Fetching Real Time Data

About this course

  • Free
  • 144 lessons
  • 17.5 hours of video content