Course curriculum

    1. Segment 01 - Welcome to the course

    2. Segment 02 - Welcome and Introduction to the Instructor

    3. Segment 03 - Course Overview

    4. Segment 04 - Overview of the Corporate Communications Function

    5. Segment 05 - Importance of Effective Communications in Organizations

    6. Segment 06 - Key Stakeholders in Corporate Communications

    7. Segment 07 - Role of Corporate Communications in Achieving Organizational Goals

    1. Segment 08 - Strategies for Developing and Implementing Internal Communication Plans

    2. Segment 09 - Effective Use of Various Channels for Internal Communications

    3. Segment 10 - Engaging Employees Through Effective Communication

    4. Segment 11 - Building a Positive Organizational Culture through Internal Communications

    1. Segment 12 - Understanding the Role of Media in Corporate Communications

    2. Segment 13 - Crafting Key Messages and Press Releases

    3. Segment 14 - Managing Media Relationships and Interviews

    4. Segment 15 - Dealing with Media Crises and Reputation Management

    1. Segment 16 - Preparing for and Managing Communications during a Crisis

    2. Segment 17 - Crisis Communications Strategies and Best-Practices

    3. Segment 18 - Crisis Communication Team Roles and Responsibilities

    4. Segment 19 - Maintaining Transparency and Building Trust in Times of Crisis

About this course

  • Free
  • 19 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

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