Course curriculum

    1. Segment 01 - Introduction to the course and the instructor

    2. Segment 02 - Dividend yield

    3. Segment 03 - Capital growth

    4. Segment 04 - Total return

    5. Segment 05 - Tax on income and gains

    1. Segment 06 - Reported earnings

    2. Segment 07 - Price to Earnings (PE) ratios for equity

    3. Segment 08 - Reported EBITA

    4. Segment 09 - EBITA ratios for the whole business (equity plus debt)

    1. Segment 10 - Forecast Dividends

    2. Segment 11 - Required Return on Equity - CAPM

    3. Segment 12 - Risk Destroys Value

    4. Segment 13 - Growth Creates Value

    1. Segment 14 - Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) 

    2. Segment 15 - Present value analysis 

    3. Segment 16 - Annuities 

    4. Segment 17 - Perpetuities 

    1. Segment 18 - Book net worth 

    2. Segment 19 - Tangible net worth (TNW)

    3. Segment 20 - Market to book ratios (MBR)

    4. Segment 21 - Discount to book value

    1. Segment 22 - Diversification

    2. Segment 23 - Margin of safety 

    3. Segment 24 - Due diligence and experience

    4. Segment 25 - Patience and contrarianism 

    5. Segment 26 - Conclusion & Takeaways

About this course

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  • 26 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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